1. Spring and Java
>> Reactive BookStore Service Broker [spring.io]
A quick example demonstrating the Reactive API support available in several Spring projects. Very cool.
>> Groovy 3.0 Adds New Java-Like Features [infoq.com]
Some of the highlights include lambda expressions, try-with-resources, and an enhanced for-loop.
>> Enforcing Java Record Invariants With Bean Validation [morling.dev]
And an experiment with the Java 14 Records preview feature and Byte Buddy.
Also worth reading:
>> Records Come to Java [blogs.oracle.com]
>> Naming Strategies in Hibernate 5 [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan [eclipse-ee4j.github.io]
>> Servlets and Tomcat: 23+ Years and Counting [tomitribe.com]
>> Multidimensional array mapping with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> A creative use of Filters [blog.frankel.ch]
Webinars and presentations:
>> A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Cloud Services' Bella (Yuxin) Bai [spring.io]
>> Learning Spring Boot: First as a Student, Then as a Teacher [infoq.com]
>> JUnit 5: Evolution and Innovation [infoq.com]
>> Jakarta EE 8 CRUD API Tutorial using Java 11 [rieckpil.de]
>> Avoiding Reactor Meltdown [infoq.com]
>> The Reality of Managing Microservice Deployments at Scale: You Need a Spinnaker [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Framework 5.2.3, 5.1.13, 5.0.16, and 4.3.26 releases [spring.io]
>> Spring Boot 2.2.4 released [spring.io] and >> Spring Boot 2.2.3 released [spring.io] and >> Spring Boot 2.1.12 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Data Moore SR4 and Lovelace SR15 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Vault 2.2.1.RELEASE and 2.1.5.RELEASE available [spring.io]
>> Piranha 20.1.2 released! [arjan-tijms.omnifaces.org]
2. Technical
>> One-Time Passwords Do Not Provide Non-Repudiation [techblog.bozho.net]
As secure hardware modules become the norm in smartphone tech, it may be time to say goodbye to the OTP.
>> Seven ways of handling image and machine learning data with AWS SageMaker and S3 [blog.codecentric.de]
And some common approaches for preserving your ML data as you port your Jupyter notebooks to SageMaker.
Also worth reading:
>> Login Form TDD a UI Kata [blog.code-cop.org]
>> Planning 56 sprints per second with SAT4J [blog.scottlogic.com]
>> Continuous Database Configuration with Flyway and Kubernetes [reflectoring.io]
3. Musings
>> On Pair Programming [martinfowler.com]
A strong case for pair programming, along with some dos and don'ts to keep in mind when implementing it in your team.
Also worth reading:
>> How to manage a program in a product-mode organization [martinfowler.com]
>> Reader Question Round-Up: Corporate Culture, Code Quality and Counter Offers [daedtech.com]
>> More Good Programming Quotes, Part 4 [henrikwarne.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: