Why the Order of Maven Dependencies Is Important
1. Introduction Maven is one of the most popular build and dependency management tools in the Java ecosystem. While it provides a convenient way to declare and use different frameworks and libraries in...
View ArticleHow to Send a Post Request in Camel
1. Overview Apache Camel is a robust open-source integration framework. It provides a mature set of components to interact with various protocols and systems, including HTTP. In this tutorial, we’ll...
View ArticleMultiple Criteria in Spring Data Mongo DB Query
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create queries with multiple criteria in MongoDB using Spring Data JPA. 2. Setting up the Project To start, we need to include the necessary...
View ArticleHow to Convert String to StringBuilder and Vice Versa in Java
1. Overview Working with Strings is a fundamental aspect of Java programming. StringBuilder is an often-used utility for String manipulations, such as concatenation, reversing, etc. Understanding how...
View ArticleSending WhatsApp Messages in Spring Boot Using Twilio
1. Overview WhatsApp Messenger is the leading messaging platform in the world, making it an essential tool for businesses to connect with their users. By communicating over WhatsApp, we can enhance...
View ArticleConnect with PostgreSQL Database over SSL
1. Introduction In the world of database management, ensuring secure communication between applications and databases is important. In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to connect to PostgreSQL over SSL...
View ArticleSoft Assertions with AssertJ
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll examine AssertJ‘s soft assertions feature, review its motivation, and discuss similar solutions in other testing frameworks. 2. The Motivation First, we should...
View ArticleSort JSON Objects in Java
1. Overview JSON is a widely employed structured data format typically used in most modern APIs and data services. It’s particularly popular in web applications due to its lightweight nature and...
View ArticleQuarkus Testcontainers for Dependent Services
1. Overview In this article, we’ll see the power of using Testcontainers to help test a Quarkus application using ‘live’ service-to-service testing. Testing in a microservices architecture is important...
View ArticleLiteral Syntax for byte[] Arrays Using Hex Notation
1. Introduction Java provides various ways to work with byte[] arrays, which are essential for handling binary data. While initializing a byte[] array with decimal values is straightforward, using...
View ArticleChecking if a File is an Image in Java
1. Overview When working with file uploads in Java, it’s crucial to ensure that the uploaded files are indeed images, especially when filenames and extensions can be misleading. In this tutorial, we’ll...
View ArticleHow to Convert Gson JsonArray to HashMap
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to convert a Gson JsonArray to a HashMap in Java. By the end of this tutorial, we’ll understand the process of iterating over a JsonArray, extracting...
View ArticleIntroduction to Milvus
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll explore Milvus, a highly scalable open-source vector database. It’s designed to store and index massive vector embeddings from deep neural networks and other...
View ArticleConvert Between org.joda.time.DateTime and java.sql.Timestamp in Java
1. Overview Handling timestamps in Java is a common task that allows us to manipulate and display date and time information more еffеctivеly еspеcially when we’re dealing with databases or global...
View ArticleJava Weekly, Issue 552
1. Spring and Java >> JFR Event to Detect Invocations of Deprecated Methods [inside.java] New in JDK 22, a JFR event to detect invoked deprecated methods — useful for finding the deprecated...
View ArticleDifference Between M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME and using the PATH variable
1. Overview As part of the Apache Maven installation process, we need to configure various environment variables to ensure our Maven installation works smoothly. In this tutorial, we’ll look at three...
View ArticleAdd Jar Files to Java Project Using Visual Studio Code
1. Overview The Visual Studio Code (VSCode) editor is gaining popularity among Java developers. According to a survey by Baeldung, VSCode ranks third among Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)...
View ArticleHow to Add String Arrays to ArrayList in Java
1. Overview In Java, ArrayList is a commonly used List implementation. There are scenarios when we might need to add elements from multiple String arrays to an ArrayList. In this quick tutorial, let’s...
View ArticleHow to Sort Map Value List by Element Field Using Java Streams
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll explore the benefits of Streams API in sorting elements in a List stored within a Map. In the process, we’ll also compare it with the more traditional approach of...
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