1. Spring and Java
>> Leveraging JDK Tools and Updates to Help Safeguard Java Applications [dev.java]
An overview of the built-in tools available in JDK – used to keep Java installations safe. A good read.
>> Spring AI Embraces OpenAI’s Structured Outputs: Enhancing JSON Response Reliability [spring.io]
Spring is integrating with Open AI’s structured outputs: ensuring AI-generated responses adhere strictly to a predefined JSON schema.
>> JSpecify 1.0.0 and Nullability in Java [infoq.com]
A common set of annotation types for use in JVM languages is to improve static analysis and language interoperation, especially when it comes to nullability.
Also worth reading:
- >> Project Leyden [quarkus.io]
- >> Get Started With Allocation Profiling [foojay.io]
- >> Simplifying Agent Installation for Java Management Service [oracle.com]
- >> Simplify Your Deployment Workflow: Introducing Oracle Java Releases Public APIs [oracle.com]
- >> Consequences of DORA on Java and OpenJDK with Azul [foojay.io]
- >> Null-Restricted and Nullable Types for Java [infoq.com]
- >> Trash Pandas Love Enterprise Java Garbage Code [foojay.io]
- >> What’s Coming in Jakarta EE 11? [payara.fish]
- >> Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry and GCP [samzhu.dev]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> Spring Tips: HTMX [spring.io]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Spring Cloud Dataflow, Spring Cloud Task, and Spring Batch legend Glenn Renfro [spring.io]
- >> Java in 2024 – #JVMLS keynote [inside.java]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Hibernate Search 7.2.0.Final is out [relation.to]
- >> Hibernate Reactive 2.4.0.Final released [relation.to]
- >> Quarkus 3.13.2 released [github.com]
- >> Elasticsearch 8.15.0 released [github.com]
- >> Zuul 2.5.4 released [github.com]
- >> Vaadin 24.4.0 Introduces Vaadin Copilot and a Unified Vaadin Platform [infoq.com]
- >> IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2 Is Out! [jetbrains.com]
- >> Hibernate 6.6.0.Final [relation.to]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Default map value [frankel.ch]
An overview of different approaches to provide a default value when querying an absent key in a hash map in different programming languages.
Also worth reading:
- >> Jqwik Future and API Discussion [johanneslink.net]
- >> How does it feel to test a compiler? [foojay.io]
3. Pick of the Week
>> Clean Code is being rewritten [x.com]