Java Weekly, Issue 555
1. Spring and Java >> Leveraging JDK Tools and Updates to Help Safeguard Java Applications [] An overview of the built-in tools available in JDK – used to keep Java installations safe. A...
View ArticleSending Emails in Spring Boot Using SendGrid
1. Overview Sending emails is an important feature for modern web applications, whether it’s for user registration, password resets, or promotional campaigns. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to...
View ArticleSequence Naming Strategies in Hibernate 6
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to configure Hibernate 6’s implicit naming strategies for database sequences. Hibernate 6 introduces several new naming strategies that affect how...
View ArticleListing Files Recursively With Java
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to recursively list files and directories in Java, a crucial task for projects like file management systems and backup utilities. Java offers several...
View ArticleData Oriented Programming in Java
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn about a different paradigm of software development, Data-Oriented Programming. We’ll start by comparing it to the more traditional Object Oriented Programming,...
View ArticleDDD with jMolecules
1. Overview In this article, we’ll revisit key Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts and demonstrate how to use jMolecules to express these technical concerns as metadata. We will explore how this...
View ArticleUpdating Values in JSONArray
1. Introduction Managing and updating JSON data is a common requirement in modern software development. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is widely used for data interchange between applications. In...
View ArticleSending Key/Value Messages From the Command Line in Kafka
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn two methods for sending key/value messages from the command line in Kafka. Ensuring the ordering of messages on specific topics is a common requirement in...
View ArticleAzure Functions in Java
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll explore Azure Java Functions. Azure Function is a serverless compute service that can execute code in response to events originating from Azure services or custom...
View ArticleConnecting to Elasticsearch Using Quarkus
1. Overview Quarkus is a modern framework that makes it easy and enjoyable to build high-performance applications. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to integrate Quarkus with Elasticsearch, a...
View ArticleRemove All Elements From a String Array in Java
1. Overview In Java, working with arrays is a common task when dealing with collections of data. Sometimes, we may find ourselves in situations where we need to remove all elements from a String array....
View ArticleAccessing Emails From Gmail Using IMAP
1. Overview Webmail apps such as Gmail rely on protocols like the Internet Message Application Protocol (IMAP) to retrieve and manipulate email from an email server. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how...
View ArticleThe Road to Membership and Baeldung Pro
Context. If you’re curious how Baeldung works The TLDR is that the solution to the To Many Ads problem is live. Baeldung Pro is the membership that solves that, along with the other super-requested...
View ArticleA Guide to Fallback Beans in Spring Framework
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the concept of fallback beans in the Spring Framework. Fallback beans were introduced in Spring Framework version 6.2.0-M1. They provide an alternative...
View ArticleON CONFLICT Clause for Hibernate Insert Queries
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn about the ON CONFLICT clause for insert queries introduced in Hibernate 6.5. We use an ON CONFLICT clause to handle table constraint violations while inserting...
View ArticleGenerate MS Word Documents Using poi-tl Template
1. Overview The poi-tl library is an open-source Java library based on Apache POI. It simplifies generating Word documents using templates. The poi-tl library is a Word template engine that creates new...
View ArticleJDBC PreparedStatement SQL IN clause
1. Introduction A common use case while querying the database is to find a match for a column based on a list of input values. There are multiple ways to do this. The IN clause is one of the ways to...
View ArticleCalculate Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers in Java
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to calculate the percentage difference between two numbers in Java. Before looking at the implementation, we’ll define the mathematical concept of...
View ArticleIntegrate OpenAPI With Spring Cloud Gateway
1. Overview Documentation is an essential part of building any robust REST APIs. We can implement API documentation based on the OpenAPI specification and visualize that in Swagger UI in Spring...
View ArticleJava Weekly, Issue 556
1. Spring and Java >> WebAssembly the Safer Alternative to Integrating Native Code in Java [] How WebAssembly (Wasm) offers a portable and secure solution, allowing native code to run...
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